Presentation of the Founding Angels Initiative at a corporate finance event of Commerzbank and FAZ Institute in Frankfurt (October 2009)
Gunter Festel presented the Founding Angels Initiative at the corporate finance event “Opportunities and challenges for young companies” on 27th October 2009 at the Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt, Germany. Within this event, financial experts and young entrepreneurs discussed financing options and capital market prospects for start-up companies.
Presentation of investment opportunities at the European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology in Lisbon (October 2009)
Gunter Festel presented as keynote speaker his views on the industrial biotechnology industry at the EuropaBio’s 2nd annual European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology on 21st October 2009 in Lisbon, Portugal. The title of the presentation was "Market Forecasts and Investment Opportunities for Industrial Biotechnology".
Founding Angels as new business model to stimulate the start-up scene (September 2009)
Gunter Festel is engaged in several start-up companies which, as a founding angel, he has founded together with scientists. With the founding angel business model, support is given to interesting business concepts before the actual founding of the start-up. The engagement of founding angels is compensated not monetarily but through an equity share of the new company as a member of the founding team.
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Publication of a book about the targeted foundation of start-ups through founding angels (August 2009)
The book with the title “Kommerzialisierung neuer Technologien durch gezielte Start-up-Gründungen - Chancen und Möglichkeiten des Founding Angels-Geschäftsmodells” written by Gunter Festel was published by the publisher SVH in August 2009.
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Sale of the waste water treatment technology of TES Environmental Solutions to Triton (May 2009)
The waste water treatment technology of TES Environmental Solutions was sold to the German water company Triton Water ( in May 2009. Gunter Festel acquired this technology based on powder rubber originally developed by Degussa AG, which is now Evonik Industries AG, in 2005. The technology was further development within TES Triton Environmental Solutions which Gunter Festel founded and led as CEO.
Presentation on infrastructure benchmarking within industrial parks at a Euroforum conference in Frankfurt (March 2009)
Gunter Festel gave together with Matthias Baldermann and Jens Reichel from Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann (HKM) a presentation with the title “Infrastruktur-Benchmarking mit Industriepark-Betreibern in Frankfurt” on 24th March 2009.